3 Titania Blackcurrant Bush Plants, Multi-stemmed, Tasty Fruit & Heavy Crop

3 Titania Blackcurrant Bush Plants, Multi-stemmed, Tasty Fruit & Heavy Crop

Price: £13.99
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Key Information:
Mature Height
Mature Spread
H6 (-20 to -15°C)
Soil Type
Clay, Loam, Sand
Sun Exposure
Full Sun
Soil pH

Product Description

3 Titania Blackcurrant Bush Plants, Multi-stemmed, Tasty Fruit & Heavy Crop


These are BARE ROOTED plants which can be planted from the end of October until April and will be dispatched as soon as the weather turns cold and they become dormant.The dispatch date depends on the Autumn temperature and varies from year to year.


Blackcurrants are vigorous, multi-stemmed bushes that fruit on both old and new wood, but the latter carry the best crops and so cultivation aims to feed and prune the plants to continually renew the stems


Large hanging clusters of lovely black currants. Upright, vigourous bushes grow 3 to 4 feet tall. Black currants make great preserves and are very high in vitamin C. Titania is a very large productive black currant and is immune to pine blister rust.


For the bare root planting instructions, please click here.

Customer Reviews

  • 5
    Good, strong plants

    Posted by Mrs Pam Pearson on 23rd Mar 2021

    Good plants and good delivery.

  • 5

    Posted by Unknown on 6th Dec 2016

    very please with quality and speed of delivery.

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