3 Yellow Gooseberry Plant / Uva Crispa Hinnonmakii' 3-5 Branches, Ready To Fruit
Product Description
3 'Hinnonmaki Yellow' Gooseberry Plant / Uva Crispa Hinnonmaki
3-5 Branches
These are BARE ROOTED plants which can be planted from the end of October until April and will be dispatched as soon as the weather turns cold and they become dormant.The dispatch date depends on the Autumn temperature and varies from year to year.
A very hardy mid-season gooseberry which reliably produces a heavy crop, year after year
Like redcurrants, plants develop a permanent system of fruiting sideshoots, and may be trained as fans, espaliers, cordons and standards, as well as bushes.This is an excellent disease-resistant variety which forms quite compact bushes.
Multi-Stemmed For Strong Growth
For the bare root planting instructions, please click here.