Beurre Hardy Pear Tree 5-6ft Ready to Fruit, Full & Distinctive Flavour

Beurre Hardy Pear Tree 5-6ft Ready to Fruit, Full & Distinctive Flavour

Price: £32.99
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Key Information:
Mature Height
Mature Spread
H6 (-20 to -15°C)
Soil Type
Clay, Loam, Sand
Sun Exposure
Full Sun
Soil pH
Acid, Neutral

Product Description

Beurre Hardy Pear Tree 5-6ft Ready to Fruit. Full & Distinctive Flavour


These are BARE ROOTED plants which can be planted from the end of October until April and will be dispatched as soon as the weather turns cold and they become dormant. The dispatch date depends on the Autumn temperature and varies from year to year.


'Beurre Hardy' is an excellent dessert variety with a full and distinctive flavour.


Prefers light well drained soil, and to be in full sunlight in a partially sheltered area. It is very ornamental in flower with branches covered with white blossom. The leaves of this variety also turn bright red in autumn. Pruning depends on the tree form and vigour of the rootstock and should be checked in a handbook. Pick the fruit while still hard in mid-September and leave to ripen in store. Conical fruit with a distinctive flavour. The leaves turn red in the autumn. Pick fruit in late August whilst quite hard. The connoisseur's pear.



It is not self-fertile and needs a pollination partner:

Conference, Doyene Du Comice


For the bare root planting instructions, please click here.




