Dwarf Patio Worcester Pearmain Apple Tree in 5L Pot, Miniature Tree, Ready to Fruit,Self-fertile & Sweet

Dwarf Patio Worcester Pearmain Apple Tree in 5L Pot, Miniature Tree, Ready to Fruit,Self-fertile & Sweet

Price: £34.99
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Key Information:
Mature Height
Mature Spread
H6 (-20 to -15°C)
Soil Type
Clay, Loam, Sand
Sun Exposure
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Soil pH

Product Description

Dwarf Patio Worcester Pearmain Apple Tree in 5L Pot, Miniature Tree, Ready to Fruit,Self-fertile & Sweet


Worcester Pearmain has been a relatively popular apple from the start, and is still grown commercially on a small scale in England. Has a strawberry tinge to the fruit. You will be able to produce a lot of fruit from a small space with this small tree.

A popular Dessert apple with a distinctive strawberry flavour when ripe.It tolerates most soil types and prefers to be in full sunlight.It is cropped between early September and late October. The tree is partially self fertile and will fruit with a heavier crop with a pollinator.



It is partially self-fertile



For better fruiting plant a compatible partner:
Beauty of Bath, Braeburn, Cornish Aromatic, Egremont Russet, Ellison's Orange, ELstar, Fiesta, Gala. Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Greensleeves, Grenadier, Howgate Wonder, Idared, James Grieve, Laxton's Superb, Malus Evereste, Malus John Downie, Red Devil, Spartan