Elder Flower Tree Plant 3-4ft Tall in 1L Pot, Make Elderberry Wine & Elderflower Lemonade

Elder Flower Tree Plant 3-4ft Tall in 1L Pot, Make Elderberry Wine & Elderflower Lemonade

Price: £24.99
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Key Information:
Mature Height
Mature Spread
H6 (-20 to -15°C)
Sun Exposure
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Soil pH
Acid, Alkaline, Neutral

Product Description

Elder Flower Tree Plant 3-4ft in 1L Pot, Make Elderberry Wine & Elderflower Lemonade


This is an outer woodland edge shrub or small tree providing low shelter by lifting the wind and disturbing the air flow. It is a bushy native species which grows rapidly when young.


It is floriferous in June with numerous creamy-white flat cymes. These are followed by juicy purple-black berries in dense heavy clusters. The name 'eller' was given to elder in several counties from Kent to Cheshire. This Anglo-Saxon word means 'kindler' and refers to the use of a hollow elder stem as bellows to kindle a fire. The Greek name Sambuke is a reference to the musical use of the hollow stems.

The shrub is well known for medicinal and cooking uses, such as -

The flowerheads are commonly used in infusions, giving a very common refreshing drink in Northern Europe and Balkans. Commercially these are sold as elderflower cordial, etc.

The berries are edible after cooking and can be used to make jam, jelly, chutney and cordial. They go particularly well with blackberries and with apples – for example in apple pie.





