Magnolia 'Kobus' in 9cm Pot, Fragrant White Flowers In Your Garden!

Magnolia 'Kobus' in 9cm Pot, Fragrant White Flowers In Your Garden!

Price: £13.99
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Key Information:
Mature Height
Mature Spread
H6 (-20 to -15°C)
Soil Type
Clay, Loam, Sand
Sun Exposure
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Soil pH
Acid, Alkaline, Neutral

Product Description

Magnolia 'Kobus'  In 9cm Pot,

Stunning Fragrant White Flowers


Kobus is a slender deciduous tree growing up to 10m tall, with ovate leaves 15cm long, and fragrant White flowers 10 cm wide. Scarlet seeds follow in spring from pink fruits.


Magnolia have large, showy, often fragrant flowers, often opening before the leaves, and sometimes followed by colourful cone-like fruit



