3 Tulip Tree Plants/Liriodendron Tulipifera, 1-2ft Tall, Uniquely Shaped Leaves

3 Tulip Tree Plants/Liriodendron Tulipifera, 1-2ft Tall, Uniquely Shaped Leaves

Price: £19.99
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Expected release date is 1st Nov 2024
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Key Information:
Mature Height
Mature Spread
H6 (-20 to -15°C)
Soil Type
Clay, Loam, Sand
Sun Exposure
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Soil pH
Acid, Neutral

Product Description

3 Tulip Tree Plants / Liriodendron Tulipifera, 1-2ft Tall


These are BARE ROOTED plants which can be planted from the end of October until April and will be dispatched as soon as the weather turns cold and they become dormant.The dispatch date depends on the Autumn temperature and varies from year to year.


The tulip tree is sometimes called "tulip poplar" or "yellow poplar" although unrelated to the genus Populus. The tree is also called canoewood, saddle leaf tree and white wood. The Onondaga tribe calls it Ko-yen-ta-ka-ah-tas (the white tree).


Liriodendron are easily recognized by their leaves, which are distinct, having four lobes in most cases and a cross-cut notched or straight apex. Leaf size varies from 8-22 cm long and 6-25 cm wide.

Leaves are slightly larger in L. chinense but with considerable overlap between the species; the petiole is 4-18 cm long. Leaves on young trees tend to be more deeply lobed and larger size than those on mature trees. In autumn the leaves turn yellow, or yellow and brown. Both species grow rapidly in rich moist soils of temperate climates. They hybridize easily and the progeny often grow faster than either parent.

Flowers are 3-10 cm in diameter and have nine tepals, three short outer sepals and six inner petals, yellow-green with an orange flare at the base. They are superficially similar to a tulip in shape, hence the tree's name. Flowers of L. tulipifera have a faint cucumber odor. The stamens and pistils are arranged spirally around a central spike or gynaecium; the stamens fall off, and the pistils become the samaras. The fruit is a cone-like aggregate of samaras 4-9 cm long, each of which has a roughly tetrahedral seed with one edge attached to the central conical spike and the other edge attached to the wing.


For the bare root planting instructions, please click here.