'Grand Bleu' Caryopteris clandonensis 20-25cm in 2L Pot Hedging Shrub 'Grand Blue' Caryopteris / cary. x clandon. 20-25cm in 2lt pot This garden hybrid is a cross between two Chinese species, and is one of the best small shrubs for late colour in the border. It's hardier than often thought and will survive most... Price: £14.99 Quick view Add to Cart
'Heavenly Blue' Caryopteris Clandonensis Plant In 2 Litre Pot 'Heavenly Blue' Caryopteris Plant / cary. x clandon. in 2L Pot This garden hybrid is a cross between two Chinese species, and is one of the best small shrubs for late colour in the border. It's hardier than often thought and will survive most... Price: £14.99 Quick view Add to Cart
'Heavenly Blue' Caryopteris Clandonensis, In a 9cm Pot 'Heavenly Blue' Caryopteris / cary. x clandon. in 9cm Pot This garden hybrid is a cross between two Chinese species, and is one of the best small shrubs for late colour in the border. It's hardier than often thought and will survive most... Price: £9.99 Quick view Add to Cart
1 'Midwinter Fire' Dogwood / Cornus Sanguinea in 2L Pot, Stunning Bark 1 'Midwinter Fire' Dogwood / Cornus sanguinea in 2L Pot This deciduous shrub has oval mid-green leaves and produces small creamy-white flowers in May and June. But it's really grown for the brilliant flame-coloured stems that are revealed when... Price: £14.99 Quick view Out of stock
1 Broom / Cytisus Praecox 'All Gold' Plant in 9cm Pot, Long Lasting, Yellow Flowering Shrub 1 Broom Plant - Cytisus x Praecox 'All Gold' Plant in 9cm Pot In spring the species becomes a tumbling mass of creamy yellow flowers in great abundance, while the choice form 'Allgold' is even more spectacular, its blooms a rich golden... Price: £9.99 Quick view Out of stock
1 Buddleia davidii 'Black Knight' in 2L pot Buddleja Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'Black Knight' in 2lt pot 'Black Knight' is a vigorous large deciduous shrub to 3m, with somewhat arching growth and lance-shaped leaves, whitish beneath. Flowers scented, deep purple, in elongated panicles at tips of current... Price: £14.99 Quick view Add to Cart
1 Buddleia davidii 'Nanho Blue' in 2L pot Buddleja Butterfly Bush 1 Buddleia davidii 'Nanho Blue' in 2L Pot Buddleja Butterfly Bush Nanho Blue' is a deciduous shrub with neat, narrowly lance-shaped leaves and slender cylindrical panicles of light blue flowers in summer and autumn Buddleja can be evergreen... Price: £14.99 Quick view Add to Cart
1 Buddleia davidii 'Pink Delight' in 2L Pot Buddleja Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'Pink Delight' in 2L Pot 'Pink Delight' is a medium-sized deciduous shrub with narrow leaves whitish beneath, and slender panicles of pink flowers at tips of current year's growth Buddleja can be evergreen or deciduous... Price: £14.99 Quick view Add to Cart
1 Buddleia davidii 'Royal Red' in 2L pot Buddleja Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'Royal Red' in 2L Pot 'Royal Red' is a large deciduous shrub with arching branches of lance-shaped leaves, whitish beneath, and long panicles of rich purple-red, scented flowers Buddleja can be evergreen or... Price: £12.99 Quick view Add to Cart
1 Buddleia davidii 'Royal Red' in 9cm Pot Buddleja Butterfly Bush 1 Buddleia davidii 'Royal Red' in 9cm Pot Buddleja Butterfly Bush 'Royal Red' is a large deciduous shrub with arching branches of lance-shaped leaves, whitish beneath, and long panicles of rich purple-red, scented flowers Buddleja can... Price: £8.99 Quick view Add to Cart
1 Hibiscus Syriacus / Rose of Sharon, 2-3ft in 1L Pot, Stunning Korean Rose 1 Hibiscus Syriacus / Rose of Sharon, 2-3ft in 1L Pot, Stunning Korean Rose Hibiscus syriacus is a hardy deciduous shrub. The flowers are often pink in color, but can also be dark pink (almost purple), light pink or white. Individual flowers are... Price: £16.99 Quick view Add to Cart
1 Mexican orange Aztec Pearl / Choisya Dewitteana Aztec Pearl in a 2L Pot 1 Mexican orange 'Aztec Pearl' / Choisya x dewitteana 'Aztec Pearl' Supplied in a 2L Pot 'Aztec Pearl' is a small evergreen shrub of open rounded habit, with bright green leaves composed of 3-5 slender leaflets. Flowers to 3cm in... Price: £15.99 Quick view Add to Cart
1 Nettle / Urtica dioica / Stinging Nettle In 1L Pot, Your Health, Your Way! 1 x Nettle / Urtica dioica / Stinging Nettle In 1L Pot Your Health, Your Way! Urtica dioica is a dioecious herbaceous perennial 1 to 2 m (3 to 7 ft) tall in the summer and dying down to the ground in winter. It is characteristic of... Price: £8.99 Quick view Add to Cart
1 Red Broom Cytisus x boskoopii Boskoop Ruby Plant in 9cm Pot, Stunning Flowers 1 Red Broom Cytisus x boskoopii Boskoop Ruby Plant in 9cm Pot, Stunning Flowers A great short lived shrub for a sunny border. It will grow into a robust and ever more abundantly flowering shrub in a very short period of time. Sun loving... Price: £9.99 Quick view Add to Cart
1 St. John's Wort / Hypericum 'Hidcote' Plant In 1.5L Pot 1 St. John's Wort / Hypericum 'Hidcote' Plant In 1.5L Pot One of the most popular and reliable hypericums, originally found in a garden and probably a hybrid of 'Rose of Sharon'. It is generally very hardy, although prolonged hard... Price: £14.99 Quick view Add to Cart
1 Waldsteinia Ternata / Siberian Waldsteinia In 9cm Pot, Stunning Groundcover 1 Waldsteinia Ternata / Siberian Waldsteinia In 9cm Pot, Stunning Groundcover W. ternata is a semi-evergreen perennial with leaves palmately divided into three broad leaflets, and masses of showy, single, bright yellow flowers... Price: £8.99 Quick view Add to Cart
10 X Mixed Established Garden Shrubs *P9 Pots* Not Plug plants* 10 Mixed Established Shrubs in P9 Pots We will supply you with 10 different shrubs for year round colour. The plants range in size and all come with a coloured label. No plants will be the same and will be selected by our plant team to blend... Price: £34.99 Quick view Add to Cart
10 X Mixed Mature Garden Shrubs *LARGE 2LTR POTS* Colourful Border 10 x Mixed Shrubs in Large 1.5-3 Litre Pots We will supply you with 10 different shrubs for year round colour. The plants range in size and all come with a coloured label.No plants will be the same and will be selected by our plant team to... Price: £79.99 Quick view Add to Cart
3 Buddleia davidii 'Black Knight' In 9cm Pots Buddleja Butterfly Bushes 3 Buddleia davidii 'Black Knight' In 9cm Pots 'Black Knight' is a vigorous large deciduous shrub to 3m, with somewhat arching growth and lance-shaped leaves, whitish beneath. Flowers scented, deep purple, in elongated panicles at tips of... Price: £15.99 Quick view Add to Cart
3 Buddleia davidii 'Royal Red' in 2L pot Buddleja Butterfly Bush 3 Buddleia davidii 'Royal Red' in 2L pot 'Royal Red' is a large deciduous shrub with arching branches of lance-shaped leaves, whitish beneath, and long panicles of rich purple-red, scented flowers Buddleja can be evergreen or... Price: £26.99 Quick view Add to Cart
3 Buddleia davidii 'Royal Red' in 9cm Pot Buddleja Butterfly Bush 3 Buddleia davidii 'Royal Red' in 9cm Pot Buddleja Butterfly Bush 'Royal Red' is a large deciduous shrub with arching branches of lance-shaped leaves, whitish beneath, and long panicles of rich purple-red, scented flowers Buddleja can... Price: £15.99 Quick view Add to Cart
3 Buddleia davidii 'White Profusion' In 9cm Pots Buddleja Butterfly Bush 3 Buddleia davidii 'White Profusion' In 9cm Pots 'White Profusion' is a vigorous large deciduous shrub with arching branches and narrow leaves, whitish beneath. Flowers scented, white with yellow eye, in long panicles Buddleja... Price: £15.99 Quick view Add to Cart
3 Callicarpa Bodinieri Giraldii Profusion / Beautyberry in 9cm Pots, Purple Berries 3 Callicarpa Bodinieri Giraldii Profusion / Beautyberry in 9cm Pots, Purple Berries 'Profusion' is a medium-sized deciduous shrub of upright habbit. Leaves 5-12cm in length, lanceolate, purplish when young, turning rosy-pink in autumn. Pink... Price: £17.99 Quick view Add to Cart
3 Crinodendron Hookerianum / Chile lantern tree 25-35cm Tall In a 2L Pot Crinodendron Hookerianum / Chile Lantern Tree 25-35cm Tall In a 2L Pot C. hookerianum is a dense, medium-sized, strong growing evergreen shrub to 6m, willow like narrow, dark green leaves and fleshy, lantern-shaped, crimson flowers 2.5cm in... Price: £32.99 Quick view Add to Cart
3 Cytisus 'Lena' Broom Plants In 2L Pots, Stunning Fragrant Red/Yellow Flowers 3 Cytisus 'Lena' Broom Plants In 2L Pots, Stunning Fragrant Red/Yellow Flowers Broom can be evergreen or deciduous, and can grow upright or prostrate. Broom is usually grown for its pea-like flowers that are often fragrant. There are dwarf,... Price: £32.99 Quick view Add to Cart
3 Grevillea 'Olympic Flame' Grevillea in 2L Pots, Stunning Red Flowers 3 Grevillea Plants 'Olympic Flame' Grevillea in 2L Pots The 'Olympic Flame' Grevillea is an evergreen shrub with needle-like leaves and compact habit, Red spidery flowers are borne over a long period making this a delightful shrub to have in the... Price: £32.99 Quick view Add to Cart
3 Mexican Orange Blossom / Choisya 'Ternata Sundance' in 2L Pot 3 Mexican Orange Blossom / Choisya 'Ternata Sundance' In 2L Pot This well-loved evergreen shrub from Mexico enjoys warm conditions and has beautiful and fragrant star-shaped white flowers. In mild gardens it will reach full... Price: £32.99 Quick view Add to Cart
3 Mixed Jasmine Plants, Beautiful Selection Of Jasminum For Any Garden! 3 Mixed Jasmine Plants, Beautiful Selection Of Jasminum For Any Garden! Plants are supplied in 9cm pots We choose 3 varieties of Jasminum plants: Jaminum Nudiflorum - Winter flowering jasmine Jasmine Multipartitum - with masses of... Price: £17.99 Quick view Add to Cart
3 Pachysandra Terminalis Green Carpet / Japanese Spurge in 9cm Pots, Groundcover 3 Pachysandra Terminalis Green Carpet / Japanese Spurge in 9cm Pots, Groundcover P. Terminalis is native to Japan, Korea and China. It is a slow-growing, spreading evergreen perennial growing to 10 cm (4 in) tall by 60 cm (24 in) broad, with... Price: £15.99 Quick view Out of stock
3 Perovskia 'Blue Spire' / Russian Sage In 2L Pot, Violet-Blue Flowers 3 Perovskia 'Blue Spire' / Russian Sage In 2L Pot, Violet-Blue Flowers 'Blue Spire' is an erect small deciduous shrub to 1.2m, with white stems bearing deeply-divided, aromatic greyish leaves. Small violet-blue flowers in large plumy panicles in... Price: £32.99 Quick view Add to Cart
3 Red Broom Cytisus x boskoopii Boskoop Ruby Plants in 9cm Pots, Stunning Flowers 3 Red Broom Cytisus x boskoopii Boskoop Ruby Plants in 9cm Pots, Stunning Flowers A great short lived shrub for a sunny border. It will grow into a robust and ever more abundantly flowering shrub in a very short period of time. Sun... Price: £14.99 Quick view Add to Cart
3 Rhododendron 'President Roosevelt' Plants In 9cm Pots, Stunning Red/White Flowers 3 Rhododendron 'President Roosevelt' Plants In 9cm Pots, Stunning Red/White Flowers 'President Roosevelt' is a slow-growing evergreen shrub to 2m tall, with rather brittle branches bearing dark green leaves with a central splash of... Price: £14.99 Quick view Add to Cart
3 Star Jasmine Plants / Trachelospermum Jasminoides in 9cm Pot, Fragrant Flowers 3 Star Jasmine / Trachelospermum Jasminoides in 9cm Pots Star jasmine is a woody, evergreen climber with rich, dark green leaves which turn bronze in winter. From mid- to late summer, pure white, fragrant flowers are produced. Grow in... Price: £17.99 Quick view Add to Cart
3 Waldsteinia Ternata / Siberian Waldsteinia In 9cm Pots, Stunning Groundcover 3 Waldsteinia Ternata / Siberian Waldsteinia In 9cm Pots, Stunning Groundcover W. ternata is a semi-evergreen perennial with leaves palmately divided into three broad leaflets, and masses of showy, single, bright yellow flowers... Price: £15.99 Quick view Add to Cart
3x Nettle / Urtica dioica / Stinging Nettle In 1L Pot, Your Health, Your Way! 3 x Nettle / Urtica dioica / Stinging Nettle In 1L Pot Your Health, Your Way! Urtica dioica is a dioecious herbaceous perennial 1 to 2 m (3 to 7 ft) tall in the summer and dying down to the ground in winter. It is characteristic of... Price: £18.99 Quick view Add to Cart
4 Mixed Hydrangea Plants in 2L Pots 4 x Hydrangea Mix in 2L Pots If you are looking for a garden flower with showstopping quality then the hydrangea is a great choice. Blooming in Spring and Summer, hydrangeas are a great way to add some fabulous colour to your garden. Our... Price: £49.99 Quick view Add to Cart
5 X Mixed Mature Garden Shrubs - Quality Plants in 2L Pots - Colourful Border 5 x Mixed Shrubs in Large 1.5-3 Litre Pots We will supply you with 5 different shrubs for year round colour. The plants range in size and all come with a coloured label.No plants will be the same and will be selected by our plant team to... Price: £44.99 Quick view Add to Cart
5X Mixed Established Garden Shrubs in 9cm Pots - Quality Potted Plants - Colourful Border 5 Mixed Established Shrubs in P9 Pots We will supply you with 5 different shrubs for year round colour. The plants range in size and all come with a coloured label.No plants will be the same and will be selected by our plant team to blend... Price: £19.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Azalea 'Anne Frank' in a 9cm pot, Blanket Of Colours Azalea 'Anne Frank' in a 9cm pot This compact, evergreen azalea is ideal for brightening the front of a shrub border, banks, a woodland garden or suitable for containers ‘Anne Frank’ Azalea is a dense, evergreen, spreading... Price: £11.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Azalea / Rhododendron Geisha Orange In 9cm Pot, Stunning Orange Flowers Azalea Geisha Orange in 9cm Pot, Stunning Orange Flowers 'Geisha Orange' is a compact, evergreen shrub with small, evergreen leaves and clusters of orange showy flowers in late spring Lovely orange buds; a sturdy upright shrub with... Price: £11.99 Quick view Out of stock
Azalea Addy Wery in a 9cm pot, Vibrant Orange Red Blooms Azalea Addy Wery In 9cm Pot, Orange-Red flowers 'Addy Wery' is a small, evergreen shrub to 1.2m, with small, mid-green leaves and abundant, intense orange-red, trumpet-shaped flowers 4cm in width. Evergreen azaleas are compact evergreen... Price: £11.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Azalea Adonis in a 9cm pot, With Stunning White Flowers Azalea Adonis in a 9cm pot, Stunning White Flowers Adonis is a beautiful compact evergreen plant with stunning white flowers. It became very popular full hardy plant for any garden. Lovely white buds; a sturdy upright shrub with... Price: £11.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Azalea Geisha Purple, Evergreen, In a 9cm Pot, Compact Flowering Shrub Azalea Geisha Purple, Evergreen, In a 9cm Pot, Compact Flowering Shrub 'Geisha Purple' is a compact, evergreen shrub with small, hairy, evergreen leaves and clusters of reddish-purple funnel-shaped flowers in late spring Lovely pink... Price: £11.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Azalea Geisha Red in a 9cm pot, Stunning Red Flowers Azalea Geisha Red 9cm Pot 'Geisha Red' is a compact, evergreen shrub with small, evergreen leaves and clusters of red showy flowers in late spring. Lovely red buds; a sturdy upright shrub with attractive deep green... Price: £11.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Azalea Hino Crimson in a 9cm Pot,Small Bright Crimson Flowers Azalea Hino Crimson in a 9cm Pot,Small Bright Crimson Flowers This popular plant has small bright crimson flowers in April and May. With abundant flowering, it has good glossy foliage that turns reddish in winter. A prolific early... Price: £11.99 Quick view Out of stock
Azalea Hot Shot Variegated, in a 9cm Pot, Stunning Bright Red Flowers Azalea Hot Shot Variegated, in a 9cm Pot, Stunning Bright Red Flowers Hot Shot Variegated is a Japanese azalea with small, elliptic, dark green leaves with white margins. Evergreen azaleas are compact evergreen shrubs with small leaves... Price: £11.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Azalea Japonica 'Vuyk's Scarlet' / Rhododendron in 9cm Pot Azalea Japonica 'Vuyk's Scarlet' / Rhododendron 9cm Pot The Vuyk Hybrid evergreen azaleas were developed in Holland from R. kaempferi and other hybrids and species. Lovely pink buds unfurl to reveal pink double blooms with rich red... Price: £11.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Buddleia 'Flower Power' in 2L Pot Buddleja Butterfly Bush Buddleia Flower Power in 2L Pot Buddleja Butterfly Bush 'Flower power' is a low maintenance shrub with arching branches and dark green leaves. This shrub produces vibrant clusters of purple buds, which open to produce various shades of pink... Price: £14.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Buddleia 'Flower Power' in 9cm Pot Buddleja Butterfly Bush Buddleia Flower Power in 9cm Pot Buddleja Butterfly Bush 'Flower power' is a low maintenance shrub with arching branches and dark green leaves. This shrub produces vibrant clusters of purple buds, which open to produce various shades of pink... Price: £9.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Buddleia davidii 'Black Knight' In 9cm Pot Buddleja Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'Black Knight' In 9cm Pot 'Black Knight' is a vigorous large deciduous shrub to 3m, with somewhat arching growth and lance-shaped leaves, whitish beneath. Flowers scented, deep purple, in elongated panicles at tips of current... Price: £9.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Buddleia davidii 'Empire Blue' in 2L pot Buddleja Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'Empire Blue' in 2lt pot 'Empire Blue' is a large deciduous shrub with arching branches and lance-shaped leaves, white beneath. Flowers scented, violet-blue in elongated panicles at ends of current year's growth Buddleja... Price: £14.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Buddleia davidii 'Empire Blue' in 9cm Pot Buddleja Butterfly Bush Buddleia Davidii 'Empire Blue' in 9cm pot 'Empire Blue' is a large deciduous shrub with arching branches and lance-shaped leaves, white beneath. Flowers scented, violet-blue in elongated panicles at ends of current year's growth Buddleja... Price: £9.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Buddleia Davidii 'Nanho Blue' in 9cm Pot Buddleja Butterfly Bush 1 Buddleia Davidii 'Nanho Blue' in 9cm Pot Buddleja Butterfly Bush Nanho Blue' is a deciduous shrub with neat, narrowly lance-shaped leaves and slender cylindrical panicles of light blue flowers in summer and autumn Buddleja can be evergreen... Price: £9.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Buddleia Davidii 'Nanho Purple' in 9cm Pot Buddleja Butterfly Bush 1 Buddleia Davidii 'Nanho Purple' in 9cm Pot Buddleja Butterfly Bush Nanho Purple is a deciduous shrub with neat, narrowly lance-shaped leaves and flowers with shades of purple/mauve/lilac/violet with orange centres... Price: £9.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Buddleia Davidii 'Pink Delight' in 9cm Pot Buddleja Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'Pink Delight' in 9cm Pot 'Pink Delight' is a medium-sized deciduous shrub with narrow leaves whitish beneath, and slender panicles of pink flowers at tips of current year's growth Buddleja can be evergreen or deciduous... Price: £9.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Buddleia davidii 'White Profusion' in 2L pot Buddleja Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'White Profusion' in 2L Pot 'White Profusion' is a vigorous large deciduous shrub with arching branches and narrow leaves, whitish beneath. Flowers scented, white with yellow eye, in long panicles. Buddleja can... Price: £13.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Buddleia davidii 'White Profusion' In 9cm Pot Buddleja Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'White Profusion' In 9cm Pot 'White Profusion' is a vigorous large deciduous shrub with arching branches and narrow leaves, whitish beneath. Flowers scented, white with yellow eye, in long panicles Buddleja can... Price: £9.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Californian lilac / Ceanothus 'Victoria' In 2L Pot, Bright Blue Flowers, Very Hardy Californian lilac / Ceanothus 'Victoria' In 2L Pot, Bright Blue Flowers, Very Hardy 'Victoria' is a dense, bushy medium-sized evergreen shrub of broad, dense habit, with glossy oblong-ovate leaves and compact heads of small bright blue flowers... Price: £14.99 Quick view Out of stock
Callicarpa Bodinieri Giraldii Profusion / Beautyberry in 9cm Pot, Purple Berries Callicarpa Bodinieri Giraldii Profusion / Beautyberry in 9cm Pot, Purple Berries 'Profusion' is a medium-sized deciduous shrub of upright habit. Leaves 5-12cm in length, lanceolate, purplish when young, turning rosy-pink in autumn. Pink flowers... Price: £9.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Callicarpa Bodinieri var. Giraldii 'Profusion' 20-30cm Tall in a 2L Pot Callicarpa Bodinieri var. Giraldii 'Profusion' 20-30cm Tall in a 2L Pot 'Profusion' is a medium-sized deciduous shrub of upright habit. Leaves 5-12cm in length, lanceolate, purplish when young, turning rosy-pink in autumn. Pink flowers in... Price: £14.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Caryopteris Clandonensis 'Kew Blue' In a 2 Litre Pot,Dark Blue Flowers Caryopteris x Clandonensis 'Kew Blue' In 2L Pot 'Kew Blue' is a compact shrub of rounded habit, with toothed grey-green leaves and axillary clusters of small dark blue flowers in late summer and early autumn. Any damage to shoots is... Price: £14.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Ceanothus Repens/ Californian Lilac Repens In 2L Pot, Lovely Light Blue Flowers Ceanothus Repens/ Californian Lilac Repens In 2L Pot, Lovely Light Blue Flowers 'Ceanothus Repens' is a small, vigorous evergreen shrub of broad, dense habit, with glossy oblong-ovate leaves and compact panicles of small light blue flowers in... Price: £14.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Cistus Purpureus / Rock Rose 20-30cm Tal In 2L Pot, Stunning Pink Flowers Cistus Purpureus / Rock Rose 20-30cm Tal In 2L Pot, Stunning Pink Flowers 'Purpureus' is a small, low-growing evergreen shrub of spreading habit. Leaves narrow, somewhat sticky. Flowers 8cm in width, purple-pink with crimson blotch at the base... Price: £14.99 Quick view Out of stock
Cistus × Dansereaui 'Decumbens' / Rock Rose 20cm Tall In 2L Pot, Stunning Flowers Cistus × Dansereaui 'Decumbens' / Rock Rose 20cm Tall In 2L Pot, Stunning Flowers 'Decumbens' is a small, low-growing evergreen shrub of spreading habit. Leaves narrow, somewhat sticky. Flowers 6cm in width, white with a crimson blotch... Price: £14.99 Quick view Out of stock
Clematis 'Early Sensation' In 2L Pot, Evergreen Climber With Stunning White Flowers Clematis 'Early Sensation' In 2L Pot, Display of Stunning White Flowers 'Early Sensation' is an evergreen clematis, growing up to 3m tall, with finely-divided leaves. The large, fragrant white blooms with yellow-green stamens are followed by... Price: £21.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Clematis 'Warszawska Nike' In 2L Pot, With Stunning Purple Flowers Clematis 'Warszawska Nike' In a 2L Pot, With Stunning Purple Flowers 'Warszawska Nike' is a compact deciduous climber with a profusion of royal-purple velvety flowers and bright yellow stamens. Flowers are silvery on the underside, extending up... Price: £19.99 Quick view Out of stock
Clematis Montana 'Elizabeth' In 2L Pot, With Stunning Pale-Pink Flowers Clematis Montana 'Elizabeth' In 2L Pot, With Stunning Pale-Pink Flowers 'Elizabeth' is a vigorous very large deciduous climber with bronze young trifoliate leaves, mid green with age. Slightly scented pale pink flowers with a satin sheen to 6cm... Price: £21.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Climbing Hydrangea Anomala Petiolaris In 1.5L Pot, Large Shrub with White Flowers Climbing Hydrangea Anomala Petiolaris In 1.5L Pot, Large Shrub with White Flowers This is a deciduous climber with broadly oval leaves turning yellow in autumn. Flower-heads to 20cm in width, with small fertile flowers surrounded by showy... Price: £15.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Cordyline Australis 'Red Heart' 2-3ft tall, in a 2L Pot, Stunning Foliage Cordyline Australis 'Red Heart' 2-3ft tall, in a 2L Pot 'Red Heart' is an evergreen palm-like tree with bright green sword-like leaves and a red flushing core that forms the 'red heart'. When the plant is mature, trusses of white flowers form... Price: £17.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Cortaderia selloana 'Pumila'/ Pampas Grass Plant in 9cm Pot, Silky Creamy-white Plumes Cortaderia selloana 'Pumila'/ Pampas Grass Plant in 9cm Pot, Silky Creamy-white Plumes 'C. Pumila' is a dwarf pampas grass that grows up to 1.5m height. It is an evergreen perrenial with dark green leaves and silky plumes that are born on... Price: £10.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Cortaderia selloana 'Rosea'/ Pampas Grass Plant in 9cm Pot, Silky Pink Plumes Cortaderia selloana 'Rosea'/ Pampas Grass Plant in 9cm Pot, Silky Pink Plumes 'C. Pumila' is a dwarf pampas grass that grows up to 1.5m height. It is an evergreen perrenial with dark green leaves and silky plumes that are born on stems in... Price: £10.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Cortaderia Selloana Pampas Grass Plant in 13cm Pot, Silky Ornamental Plumes Cortaderia Selloana Pampas Grass Plant in 13cm Pot, Silky Ornamental Plumes Cortaderia selloana is an ornamental pampas grass that grows up to 3m height. It is an evergreen, clamp-forming perrenial with dark green leaves and silky plumes... Price: £10.99 Quick view Out of stock
Cortaderia Selloana White Feather Grass Plant in 9cm Pot, Silky White Ornamental Plumes Cortaderia Selloana White Feather Grass Plant in 9cm Pot, Silky White Ornamental Plumes Cortaderia White Feather is an ornamental pampas grass that grows up to 3m height. It is an evergreen, clamp-forming perrenial with dark green leaves and... Price: £10.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Cotinus Coggygria 'Royal Purple' / Smoke Tree in 1.5L Pot, Deep Purple Leaves Cotinus Coggygria 'Royal Purple' / Smoke Tree in 1.5L Pot, Deep Purple Leaves Cotinus are large deciduous shrubs or small trees with simple, dark red-purple leaves often colouring well in autumn, and insignificant flowers borne in large, plumy... Price: £14.99 Quick view Out of stock
Crinodendron Hookerianum / Chile lantern tree In a 2L Pot Crinodendron Hookerianum / Chile Lantern Tree In a 2L Pot C. hookerianum is a dense, medium-sized, strong growing evergreen shrub to 6m, willow like narrow, dark green leaves and fleshy, lantern-shaped, crimson flowers 2.5cm in length from... Price: £14.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Crocosmia × crocosmiiflora 'George Davison' / montbretia In 2L Pot Crocosmia × crocosmiiflora 'George Davison' In 2L Pot 'George Davison' is a tall clump-forming perennial with erect, sword-shaped leaves and branched stems carrying several light orange-yellow flowers opening from orange buds Crocosmia are... Price: £14.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Crocosmia × crocosmiiflora 'George Davison' / montbretia In 9cm Pot Crocosmia × crocosmiiflora 'George Davison' in 9cm Pot 'George Davison' is a tall clump-forming perennial with erect, sword-shaped leaves and branched stems carrying several light orange-yellow flowers opening from orange buds Crocosmia are... Price: £8.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Cytisus 'Apricot Gem' Broom Plant In 9cm Pot, Stunning Fragrant Apricot Flowers Cytisus 'Apricot Gem' Broom Plant In 9cm Pot, Stunning Fragrant Apricot Flowers Broom can be evergreen or deciduous, and can grow upright or prostrate. Broom is usually grown for its pea-like flowers that are often fragrant. There are dwarf,... Price: £9.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Cytisus 'Lena' Broom Plant In 1-2L Pot, Stunning Fragrant Red/Yellow Flowers 1 Cytisus 'Lena' Broom Plant In 1-2L Pot, Stunning Fragrant Red/Yellow Flowers Broom can be evergreen or deciduous, and can grow upright or prostrate. Broom is usually grown for its pea-like flowers that are often fragrant. There are dwarf,... Price: £14.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Cytisus 'Luna' Broom Plant In 3L Pot, Stunning Fragrant White/Yellow Flowers Cytisus 'Luna' Broom Plant In 3L Pot, Stunning Fragrant White/Yellow Flowers Broom can be evergreen or deciduous, and can grow upright or prostrate. Broom is usually grown for its pea-like flowers that are often fragrant. There are dwarf, small... Price: £19.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Cytisus 'Luna' Broom Plant In 9cm Pot, Stunning Fragrant White/Yellow Flowers Cytisus 'Luna' Broom Plant In 9cm Pot, Stunning Fragrant White/Yellow Flowers Broom can be evergreen or deciduous, and can grow upright or prostrate. Broom is usually grown for its pea-like flowers that are often fragrant. There are dwarf, small... Price: £9.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Cytisus 'Zeelandia' Broom Plant In 2L Pot, Stunning Fragrant Pink and Cream Flowers Cytisus 'Zeelandia' Broom Plant In 2L Pot, Stunning Fragrant Pink and Cream Flowers Broom can be evergreen or deciduous, and can grow upright or prostrate. Broom is usually grown for its pea-like flowers that are often fragrant. There are... Price: £14.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Cytisus Praecox 'Allgold' / Yellow Broom Plant in 2L Pot, Spectacular Flowers Cytisus Praecox 'Allgold' / Yellow Broom Plant in 2L Pot, Spectacular Flowers In spring the species becomes a tumbling mass of creamy yellow flowers in great abundance, while the choice form 'Allgold' is even more spectacular, its blooms... Price: £14.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Deciduous Azalea Knap Hill, Golden Eagle in a 9cm Pot,With Orange/Yellow Flowers Azalea Knap Hill Golden Eagle in a 9cm Pot 'Golden Eagle' is a compact, deciduous shrub with dark leaves and large trusses of orange/yellow trumpet shaped flowers. Plant in moist, humus rich free draining, acid soil in sun or partial... Price: £11.99 Quick view Out of stock
Deutzia Gracilis in a 2L Pot, Stunning White Star-Shaped Flowers Deutzia Gracilis in a 2L Pot, Stunning White Star-Shaped Flowers Deutzia Gracilis is a pretty, bushy erect shrub with bright green leaves. Masses of fragrant star-shaped White flowers. Deutzia are deciduous shrubs. It often... Price: £13.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Deutzia x hybrida 'Strawberry Fields' 20-30cm tall In a 2L Pot Star-Shaped Flowers Deutzia Strawberry Fields In 1.5L Pot, Stunning Pink Star-Shaped Flowers 'Strawberry Fields' is a bushy, medium-sized deciduous shrub white star-shaped, sweet scented, pink and white flowers. Deutzia are deciduous shrubs. It often... Price: £13.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Dwarf Rhododendron Shamrock Hardy Plant In 9cm Pot, Pale Green & Yellow Flowers Dwarf Rhododendron Shamrock In 9cm Pot, Pale Green & Yellow Flowers 'Shamrock' is a small, evergreen shrub growing to about 0.6m high with clusters of fragrant, pale green and yellow flowers in mid to late spring. Rhododendron can... Price: £11.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Euonymus f. Emerald 'n' Gold Spindle In 2L Pot Winter Creeper Evergreen Shrub Euonymus f. Emerald 'n' Gold Spindle In 2L Pot Winter Creeper Evergreen Shrub Euonymus is one of the most versatile evergreen shrubs. There are many varieties both green and variegated, all worth growing. 'Emerald 'n'Gold' is one of the... Price: £14.99 Quick view Out of stock
Fatsia Japonica Plants / Japanese aralia in 2L Pot, Evergreen Beautiful Tropical Display Fatsia Japonica plants / Japanese aralia in 2L Pots Fatsia japonica is a glossy leaf plant native to Japan. It is an ornamental plant often used in floristry and tolerates semi-shaded to shaded areas. Plants are very strong and can recover from... Price: £15.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Grevillea 'Olympic Flame' Grevillea in 2L Pot, Stunning Red Flowers Grevillea 'Olympic Flame' Grevillea in 2L Pot The 'Olympic Flame' Grevillea is an evergreen shrub with needle-like leaves and compact habit, Red spidery flowers are borne over a long period making this a delightful shrub to have in the garden... Price: £14.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Hardy Fuchsia 'Fuchsia Riccartonii' Plant In 1.5L Pot, Beautiful Flowers Hardy Fuchsia 'Fuchsia Riccartonii' in a 1.5L Pot 'Riccartonii' makes a very impressive flowering shrub with a prolific show of small flowers with a dark purple 'skirt' beneath the crimson 'wings' on its mass of twiggy growth It is... Price: £14.99 Quick view Out of stock
Hibiscus Syriacus Angelique 3-4ft Tall in a 2L Pot, White Flowers Hibiscus Syriacus Angelique 3-4ft Tall in a 2L Pot, White Flowers The Hibiscus Angelique produces lovely white flowers with recurved edges with a small, deep red centre. The plant is very floriferous with flowers that stay open at least... Price: £18.99 Quick view Out of stock
Hibiscus Syriacus Ardens / Rose of Sharon in 9cm Pot, Pink Purple Flowers Hibiscus Syriacus Ardens / Rose of Sharon in 9cm Pot, Pink Purple Flowers This is a beautiful hibiscus shrub with double pink/purple flowers with maroon centres. They appear in late Summer to mid-Autumn. Late flowering shrub which adds beauty at... Price: £14.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Hibiscus Syriacus Flower Tower Ruby / 'Gandini van Aart Ruby' in 2L Pot, Ruby Pink Flowers Hibiscus Syriacus Flower Tower Ruby / 'Gandini Van Aart Ruby' in 2L Pot, Ruby Pink Flowers This fabulous flower has an upright growing habit and needs no pruning to keep its shape. All Flower Tower Hibiscus have a few short petals filling... Price: £24.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Hibiscus Syriacus Flower Tower White / 'Gandini van Aart' in 2L Pot, Impressive White Blooms Hibiscus Syriacus Flower Tower White / 'Gandini Van Aart' in 2L Pot, Impressive White Blooms This is a wonderful hibiscus shrub with pure white semi-double flowers and glossy green foliage. The plant has an upright, columnar growth habit with... Price: £24.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Hibiscus Syriacus Hamabo / Rose of Sharon in 2L Pot, Pale Pink Flowers Hibiscus Syriacus Hamabo / Rose of Sharon in 2L Pot, Pale Pink Flowers This is a beautiful hibiscus shrub with single sheer pink flowers with a deep red blotch at the base of each petal. They appear in late Summer to mid-Autumn. Late flowering... Price: £19.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Hibiscus Syriacus Lavender Chiffon / Rose of Sharon in 2L Pot, Double Flowers Hibiscus Syriacus Lavender Chiffon / Rose of Sharon in 2L Pot, Double Flowers This is a beautiful hibiscus shrub with double blooms of a pink to lavender colour that are being produced repeatedly from around mid-summer into... Price: £18.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Hibiscus Syriacus Lavender Chiffon / Rose of Sharon in 9cm Pot, Double Flowers Hibiscus Syriacus Lavender Chiffon / Rose of Sharon in 9cm Pot, Double Flowers This is a beautiful hibiscus shrub with double blooms of a pink to lavender colour that are being produced repeatedly from around mid-summer into autumn. It is... Price: £11.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Hibiscus Syriacus Oiseau Bleu / Rose of Sharon in 9cm Pot, Violet Blue Flowers Hibiscus Syriacus Oiseau Bleu / Rose of Sharon in 9cm Pot, Violet Blue Flowers This is a beautiful hibiscus shrub with single violet-blue flowers with a maroon centre. They appear in late Summer to mid-Autumn. Late flowering shrub which adds... Price: £14.99 Quick view Add to Cart
Hibiscus Syriacus Red Heart / Rose of Sharon in 9cm Pot, Pure White Flowers Hibiscus Syriacus Red Heart / Rose of Sharon in 9cm Pot, Pure White With Red Centre Flowers This is a beautiful hibiscus shrub with pure white flowers with a deep red centre. They appear in late Summer to mid-Autumn. Late flowering shrub which... Price: £14.99 Quick view Add to Cart